Phonics: Recognition of the alphabet, A-Z; sounds of letters and picture association.
Numbers: Counting, Recognition & Concepts 1-15
Bible: Bible stories, Alphabet Memory verses
Skill Development: Ball throwing, line formation etc.
Language Development: Speaking in sentences, Sequence, etc.
Writing: Free art, Tear & paste, Guided Art
Phonics: Alphabet recognition, the names & sounds of letters, distinguishing between a vowel and a consonant, sounds of long & short vowels, sounding of blends & one and two vowel words, reading short stories
Numbers: Counting and recognition of numbers 1 – 100, Number concepts 1 -100, Concepts of larger and smaller 1-20, Addition facts (1+1) (9+1)
Manuscript Writing: Formation of letters, blends, words, sentences
Bible: Bible stories & Doctrinal Drill, Alphabet Memory verses
Phonics: Names and sounds of the letters of the alphabet, blends, sight words, special sounds (ck, st, ow), one and two vowel rules, sentences, capitalization, ending punctuation & reading stories
Numbers: Counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s to 100, Number words
1–10, Before and after numbers 1–100, Addition and Subtraction, Greater and lesser than, Fractions (½ of a whole), Measurement (1 inch), Ordinals (1st – 7th), Writing numbers 1 – 100, Concepts of longer, taller and shorter, Telling time to the hour, half hour and quarter hour, Coin recognition (nickels, pennies, quarters and dimes), Story Problem.
Bible: Memory Verse A-Z, Doctrinal Drill, Bible Stories – Psalms 100 & 23, John 3:16
Writing: Letters, Blends, Words, and Sentences
Health/Science/Social Studies
Language: Enrichment/Skills Development/Activity Time
K4 and K5 classes also take special subjects including Music, P.E. and Library.
We extend a warm and hearty welcome to Temple Christian School, where educational excellence meets Christian values. For over four decades, our institution has been a beacon of high-quality Christian education in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.