High School Academics

High School Academics

Our educational plan is geared toward the development of the full potential of our students, and so, emphasis is placed on the intellectual, social and spiritual development of each child. We are committed to helping them develop their skills and talents as well as their capacity to think independently, analytically and creatively.

High School Curriculum

The curriculum at Temple Christian High is primarily academic as it prepares students for BJCs (in grade nine) and BGCSEs (in grade twelve). English, Biology, Computer Studies, Mathematics, Spanish and Religious Studies are compulsory subjects for students of grades ten to twelve. Other subjects such as Science, Business, and Fine Arts are offered as electives. There is also a Christian education component which, placed alongside the broad-based academic curriculum, ensures that graduating students are equipped for life’s challenges.

Testing & Examinations

Students are required to sit in-school examinations at the end of the first and third terms.  These examinations are mandatory and only a valid doctor’s certificate and the death of an immediate family member will excuse students from these sittings.  In such cases, makeup exams will be considered or absences will be excluded from subject averages.

The national and international examinations written by students include:

Grade 9Bahamas Junior Certificate (BJC)
Grade 10Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT)
Grade 11Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
Grade 12Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
 The College of the Bahamas (COB) Entrance Examination
 Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE)

Music Exams – Students may register for or be referred to take these exams after consultation with the music teacher.

* The registration period for the national BJC and BGCSE exams is usually set for November.  Students are provided with registration forms (that outline the subjects and relevant fees) that must be signed by subject teachers and parents/guardians.  Students cannot be registered until all fees are paid in full.  Students are approved or recommended to sit subject exams based on their academic performance, ability and work ethic.

Students at work
High school students at work

Grading Scale

A 95 – 100 4.0 C 68 – 72 2.0
A- 90 – 94 3.7 C- 64 – 67 1.7
B+ 86 – 89 3.3 D+ 60 – 63 1.3
B 82 – 85 3.0 D 55 – 59 1.0
B- 77 – 81 2.7 D- 50 – 54 0.7
C+ 73 – 76 2.3 F   0 – 49 0.0