PreSchool & Elementary School Academics

PreSchool & Elementary School Academics

The curriculum used by Temple Christian Elementary School is the A-Beka Curriculum, which is based on Christian principles.  Other curricula are integrated where necessary to prepare students for national and other exams.  At the pre-school level, students learn the basics required, whereas, at the elementary level students are taught all core subjects, as well as Music, Computer, Physical Education, Art, Spanish, and Library.

The Grading System

A+98 - 100 C+77 - 79.99
A95 - 97.99 C74 - 76.99
A-90 - 94.99 C-70 - 73.99
B+87 - 89.99 D+67 - 69.99
B84 - 86.99 D64 - 66.99
B-80 - 83.99 D-60 - 63.99

Grades of 59% and below receive a Failing Mark of E.