Message from our Administrator,
Dr. Samuel L. Rutherford.
Hello, I am Samuel L. Rutherford, Administrator of Temple Christian School, and I am honored to personally welcome you to our vibrant community.
For over 40 years, Temple Christian School has been a pillar of educational excellence in The Bahamas. Our mission is clear: to provide a top-tier Christian education that prepares our students not just for academic success, but also for a life rooted in values. We are more than just a school; we are a family committed to nurturing the potential within each student.
Our dedicated school board, experienced leaders, compassionate faculty, and diligent support staff work hand in hand with our students to instill the core values of service, love, integrity, discipline, and excellence. We believe in a holistic approach to education, one that balances academic achievement with opportunities in athletics and the arts.
As an administrator, it has been my privilege to witness our students’ growth into well-rounded young men and women, fully equipped for the challenges of college and life beyond. I invite you to consider becoming part of the Temple Christian School family, where we can continue to shine even brighter with you as a part of our journey.
Once again, welcome to Temple Christian School, where values, excellence, and faith converge to create a nurturing and inspiring environment for our students. We look forward to embarking on this educational journey with you.
Samuel L. Rutherford, Ed. D.
Temple Christian School